Look Ahead. Plan Ahead. Get Ahead.

What Is Look Ahead Business Consulting?

In order to avoid disaster when driving a high performance car at speed, one of the first lessons drivers learn is to raise their vision, or โ€œlook ahead.โ€

There are many similarities between owning a business and competitive performance driving. In both cases, the further you look ahead, the better will be your results. Building a strategic vision for what you want to achieve, steadily improving your results, and, retiring as a winner is the ultimate goal. Just as the best drivers employ coaches to help them become champions, so do the most successful business competitors.

When you look further ahead, expect the following results:

  • You can gather and absorb more information.
  • You can better anticipate and plan necessary actions.
  • You can avoid surprises.
  • The car goes where your eyes go (your focus determines your outcomes).
  • You can increase your speed and more effectively compete – and win!

Winners Look Further Ahead Than Their Competitors


Look Ahead helps business leaders create visions and strategic plans for their companies.


Look Ahead can help plan and support a variety of critical growth activities and strategies.


Look Ahead helps protect owners from common pitfalls involved in exiting a business.


Our founder Brad Tucker sat down with The Entrepreneur Adventure Podcast to talk about the Look Ahead philosophy and the process of defining what success looks like.

What People Are Saying…

Brad has been such a valuable asset since I started working with him. His strong business acumen as well as his growth mindset has really helped me achieve some great things in the past few months. He has helped me get out of my own way and worked with me to implement things here in my business that is moving me forward in the direction I have been wanting to move for a long time. Thank you, Brad!

Brian Jarrett, State Farm Insurance

If you need help brainstorming what is next, how to scale, how to grow revenue, and/or how sell your company for a profit able to carry you successfully through retirement, then you need to call Brad Tucker. Brad is able to meet you where you are. And Brad is able to help you “Look Ahead” towards what is next. And, most importantly, Brad will stand by your side as you accomplish your goals. Iโ€™ve seen it first hand and strongly encourage you to give him a call.

Natasha M. Ganem, Ph.D.

As a business owner you receive advice from many different sources, some of it good and some not so good. And then every so often you run into someone who is a wealth of knowledge. That has been my experience in working one-on-one with Brad Tucker as a mentor. He’s not the kind of person that just tells you what he thinks you ought to do but instead has a unique ability to ask the right questions for you to help discover for yourself the best route to follow and steps to take. He is logical in his approach and helps you to lay out ideas and avenues to achieve goals step by step.

Brad’s experience and success as a business owner gives him first hand knowledge of all stages of business management from start-ups, expansions to exit plans. It has been invaluable being on the receiving end of his knowledge and with every meeting I walk away equipped and encouraged.

Rod Stimson, Roof Tech Solutions

Brad is a terrific small business coach, the best I have encountered. He is a focused listener, and provides meaningful feedback that helps to focus me. As a sole entrepreneur I have so many irons in the fire that I sometimes can’t figure what to prioritize. Brad has an amazing ability to cut through the chaos, and keep me on track. Because he has โ€œ lived” the small business experience, his advice is much more valuable than someone from the corporate or academic world.

Betsy Bean, BoomAthens

Brad is an EXCEPTIONAL coach. In only 2-3 months he has helped me dig myself out of a ditch. Brad is skilled at listening and empathizing with where you’re at and at the same time he is highly focused on RESULTS and GROWTH. Like all great coaches, Brad knows the right questions to ask at the right time which makes all the difference. You wonโ€™t be disappointed by hiring Brad and Look Ahead Consulting!

Clint Watson, Creed Fitness

Brad was an amazing mentor. During each of the mentoring sessions he always had an answer, or a method to finding the answer, to any of the problems I brought to his attention. He also helped me shed light on smaller problems that I was overlooking and that were directly causing some of my bigger problems. I am very thankful for his insights and how they have helped me to grow as a business owner and as an individual in such a short amount of time. I would recommend Brad to anyone without hesitation.

Travis Betts, Best Betts Construction

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